In the small town of Grafton, Vermont lived a woman named Maggie Harrington and she made the best maple syrup in 100 square miles. Maggie's maple syrup was so good it became famous in the area and everyone in town knew about it. Even the sheriff of Grafton loved Maggie's Famous Maple Syrup. He loved it so much he put it on everything. Toast, biscuits, bagels and buns. He'd put it in his coffee, iced tea and whiskey. He'd dunk his cookies, donuts, even pizza crust in the syrup. Bob Harrington, sheriff of Grafton and Famous Maggie's husband, put his wife's maple syrup on everything he ate. And when I say everything, I mean everything. All of the restaurants in town carried Maggie's syrup so he was covered there. The barbershop had a bottle for when Bob would get his haircut, the post office had a case, even the tailor kept a jar in his needle drawer incase Bob was feeling peckish. With all of the demand for her famous maple syrup, Maggie spent her days tapping trees and cooking sap. She enjoyed being in nature, she felt the process invigorating and the smell intoxicating. Maggie would tap the trees in the backyard herself, lug the pales and boil the sap. She never told anyone her recipe, not even Bob but always packed a small jar in with his lunch, for his "dipping sauce". Maggie enjoyed being syrup famous, her life in Grafton was peaceful. One Tuesday, Bob went out on patrol and never came home.